By Ginger Russell
Red Hot Conservative
One would never guess that 875 Texas Schools , public, private and charter have purchased and implemented a Marxist Curriculum called Cscope in their schools. Our Texas Education Service Centers (ESCs) have formed a Non Profit business called Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC) and they operate out of our State Agency building, use State employees to create and then have the gall to sell their Cscope Curriculum product to Texas public schools. On top of this, no one is allowed to view the CSCOPE lessons except teachers who had to sign a gag-order not to tell anyone about the content of the lessons.
Wade Lebay, state director of CSCOPE admitted to the state senate education committee that TESCCC is a non-profit business created by a state agency. Seems this is not according to Hoyle– Wade sought no permission from the state attorney general or other state authorities. The very existence of the TESCCC may not be legal.
When asked by Senator Dan Patrick, Wade Lebay admitted that the business created called TESCCC has no office, no address, no phone number, and no employees. According to Mr. Lebay, TESCCC makes no money.
Does this sound fishy to you? Comments in red type by Janice VanCleave
The following diagram is from a CSCPOE student handout. Note that the diagram indicates that one climbs the stairs upward to communism.
For information about CSCOPE from Ginger Russell, see Red Hot Conservative.